
Miscellaneous utilities.

class seals.util.AbsorbAfterDoneWrapper(env, absorb_reward=0.0, absorb_obs=None)[source]

Bases: Wrapper

Transition into absorbing state instead of episode termination.

When the environment being wrapped returns done=True, we return an absorbing observation. This wrapper always returns done=False.

A convenient way to add absorbing states to environments like MountainCar.

__init__(env, absorb_reward=0.0, absorb_obs=None)[source]

Initialize AbsorbAfterDoneWrapper.

  • env – The wrapped Env.

  • absorb_reward – The reward returned at the absorb state.

  • absorb_obs – The observation returned at the absorb state. If None, then repeat the final observation before absorb.

reset(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reset the environment.


Advance the environment by one step.

This wrapped step() always returns done=False.

After the first done is returned by the underlying Env, we enter an artificial absorb state.

In this artificial absorb state, we stop calling self.env.step(action) (i.e. the action argument is entirely ignored) and we return fixed values for obs, rew, done, and info. The values of obs and rew depend on initialization arguments. info is always an empty dictionary.

class seals.util.AutoResetWrapper(env)[source]

Bases: Wrapper

Hides done=True and auto-resets at the end of each episode.


When done=True, returns done=False instead and automatically resets.

When an automatic reset happens, the observation from reset is returned, and the overridden observation is stored in info[“terminal_observation”].

class seals.util.ObsCastWrapper(env, dtype)[source]

Bases: Wrapper

Cast observations to specified dtype.

Some external environments return observations of a different type than the declared observation space. Where possible, this should be fixed upstream, but casting can be a viable workaround – especially when the returned observations are higher resolution than the observation space.

__init__(env, dtype)[source]

Builds ObsCastWrapper.

  • env – the environment to wrap.

  • dtype – the dtype to cast observations to.


Returns reset observation, cast to self.dtype.


Returns (obs, rew, done, info) with obs cast to self.dtype.


Get the max_episode_steps attribute associated with a gym Spec.

Return type


seals.util.grid_transition_fn(state, action, x_bounds=(-inf, inf), y_bounds=(-inf, inf))[source]

Returns transition of a deterministic gridworld.

Agent is bounded in the region limited by x_bounds and y_bounds, ends inclusive.

(0, 0) is interpreted to be top-left corner.

Actions: 0: Right 1: Down 2: Left 3: Up 4: Stay put

seals.util.make_env_no_wrappers(env_name, **kwargs)[source]

Gym sometimes wraps envs in TimeLimit before returning from gym.make().

This helper method builds directly from spec to avoid this wrapper.

Return type


seals.util.one_hot_encoding(pos, size)[source]

Returns a 1-D hot encoding of a given position and size.

Return type


seals.util.sample_distribution(p, random)[source]

Samples an integer with probabilities given by p.

Return type
